Outplacement, Change & Career Consulting

CareerSpheres partners with organisations offering tailored solutions to help business leaders and their people manage and embrace change by providing a range of individual, group, and webinar/online programmes including:

- Career Coaching and Planning for talent development & retention
- Embracing Change: Moving beyond the career comfort zone

- Outplacement/Career Transition & Preparation for redeployment processes

Change processes often result in a range of emotions and can impact people’s resilience and well-being, therefore I make it my mission to help people understand the nature of change and the growth opportunities that stepping outside of our comfort zones can present, focus on the positives and the value they can offer, and build the resilience required to navigate to the next exciting stage in their careers. We support your employees to take control of their careers and reach their full potential whether that be proactively managing their career development and progression within your organisation, making a career change, or conducting a successful job search in the external market as a result of a restructure.

By entrusting me with the care of your people, you can get on with the important task of re-grouping and focussing on organisational strategy knowing that impacted staff are being well supported and your employment brand is protected.

Click on the links below for more details on the services I can provide through your change process. For a confidential discussion contact:  Leeanne Parkinson, +64 21 675 870, leeanne@careerspheres.co.nz or send me a message via my contact page

Here's how I can help

“Get work worth getting out of bed for”
Leeanne Parkinson

I am deeply grateful to Leeanne for her invaluable assistance during my transition to self-employment following redundancy. Her real-life experiences and expertise in the current job market have provided me with the confidence to embrace this new chapter in my career. Leeanne listened empathetically, thoroughly reviewed my CV, suggested helpful resources, and recommended actionable steps to take. Throughout the process, she also kept me accountable, ensuring I stayed on track. I highly recommend Leeanne to anyone seeking to make a significant change in their life.

Lofi Talimalo, Auckland - June 2024
July 2024