Career Planning for Development and Talent Retention

These individual sessions assist people to understand their career drivers and preferences and take control of managing their career development and progression within your organisation aligned with the opportunities and pathways available to them. They  enable individuals to have better career conversations with their managers and HR on how their development plan will add value to the organisation.

Programmes typically include reviewing participants careers to date, self-assessment and personal reflections to understand motivators, career values and ideal work preferences, identify skills and areas for development, identification of organisational pathways such as laterally, enrichment in current role, moving down for life style or health reasons and moving upwards. Assisting people to have meaningful conversations on their needs with their managers, building strong networks and where necessary for internal applications preparation with CV and internal interview practice.

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in touch to make a time to discuss how I can support your people through change.

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Other ways I can help

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
William James

Before meeting with Leeanne, I never received any interview invitations. Leeanne helped me with my CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Then, I received many interviews and may employers expressed their appreciation of my CV. Leeanne also helped me with my interview skills and career plan. She always replied promptly with valuable information. I have now received several very great offers and changed my job successfully.

October 2021