Career Coaching and Job Search Support

Crafting careers for job seekers, career-changers, career-breakers returning to work, career-upsizers, downsizers & life stylers.  All programmes are tailored to meet your needs after an initial 15-minute, free discussion with you. The number of sessions required will vary on your specific needs.

I can provide support with some or all of the following:

  • Building resilience and dealing with the impact of redundancy, unemployment or career gaps
  • Understanding your unique skills, values,attributes and preferences to identify best fit career options, pathways and work environments
  • Implementing a successful career research and job search strategy including networking and on-line career branding
  • CV Writing, job applications and cover letters
  • Interview preparation and practice
  • Evaluating and negotiating job offers
  • Assessing self-employment and retirement options

Here's how I can help

"You will never get a second chance to make a first impression"
Will Rogers

Before meeting with Leeanne, I never received any interview invitations. Leeanne helped me with my CV, cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Then, I received many interviews and may employers expressed their appreciation of my CV. Leeanne also helped me with my interview skills and career plan. She always replied promptly with valuable information. I have now received several very great offers and changed my job successfully.

October 2021