Career Coaching and Job Search Support

Crafting careers for job seekers, career-changers, career-breakers returning to work, career-upsizers, downsizers & life stylers.  All programmes are tailored to meet your needs after an initial 15-minute, free discussion with you. The number of sessions required will vary on your specific needs.

I can provide support with some or all of the following:

  • Building resilience and dealing with the impact of redundancy, unemployment or career gaps
  • Understanding your unique skills, values,attributes and preferences to identify best fit career options, pathways and work environments
  • Implementing a successful career research and job search strategy including networking and on-line career branding
  • CV Writing, job applications and cover letters
  • Interview preparation and practice
  • Evaluating and negotiating job offers
  • Assessing self-employment and retirement options

Here's how I can help

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
William James

I am deeply grateful to Leeanne for her invaluable assistance during my transition to self-employment following redundancy. Her real-life experiences and expertise in the current job market have provided me with the confidence to embrace this new chapter in my career. Leeanne listened empathetically, thoroughly reviewed my CV, suggested helpful resources, and recommended actionable steps to take. Throughout the process, she also kept me accountable, ensuring I stayed on track. I highly recommend Leeanne to anyone seeking to make a significant change in their life.

Lofi Talimalo, Auckland - June 2024
July 2024